Saturday, May 31, 2008

Monterey Trip

On Memorial Day, we decided to take a trip to the Monterey Aquarium. The boys thought it was AWESOME! Cole loved the jelly fish, Max and Greg loved the sharks, and Ike's favorite was- ALL THE FISH! I think I'll go with the Hammer head, but the otters and penguins sure were cute.

It was such a nice day, we headed to the beach afterward. The boys just wanted to chase the birds. Max LOVED the water and kept getting deeper and deeper. Ike and Cole were not as in to the water. Maybe because they didn't have swimming suits. It was so much fun, until we had to take the soaking wet, sand covered kids home! (I'm sure this is why Greg LOVES the beach!)


tennille said...

Very cute Melanie! You'll have to let me know how to get cute back grounds and stuff. I haven't had a chance to figure that out yet. I'm glad you have a blog . It will be fun to get to know your family better! Your kids are adorable!!